Princess V65, Broom 37, Hagg 44, Ocean 30 etc - Boat Valuations


P1340613      P1320564

European Marine Surveys regularly undertake marine valuations for many different purposes ranging from the usual insurance valuations for boats up to 100′ to commercial valuations for such as ferries and work boats / fishing boats, for bank purposes and finance and marine valuations for the courts to CPR 35  covering disputes, probate and for matrimonial purposes ie divorce

We regularly produce valuation reports for:   Lombard Marine Finance,  Close Brothers, Barclays Bank, Navigators & General, Haven Knox Johnson and Saga  amongst others. Plus a market valuation is included as standard in all our Pre Purchase Surveys

Where boat valuations are required for dispute, probate or matrimonial purposes we undertake and being compliant, present all our reports in accordance with CPR 35  (Civil Procedure Rules)

Currently we carried out in excess of 400 marine valuations of all types – a small cross section include such as:

Ocean 30                                                      Hagg 44                            Gemini GF12  Catamaran

Dutch steel live-aboard barges               18m Tourist Ferry          Westwood 38

Hunter Legend 380                                   Princess V65                    Eastwood 24

Broom 430                                                  Bayliner 245                     Aquafibre 42

Sheerline 740                                             Chris Craft                        Fairline Targa 50

and many many more besides ………….

For more information contact European Marine Services Ltd                                                (inc European Marine Surveys) 01603 327 123