Static / Sea / River Trials & Report

Optional Fee £90.00 / hour – Following (or prior to) a survey it may be necessary to undertake static, river or sea trials covering satisfactory running and speed performance of engines. Transmission & propulsion vibrations etc, Engine overall performance, temperature and pressure readings / measurements when engines are warm. Vessel handling and satisfactory operation of steering installations.

The following speed / engine trials are undertaken:

  • Max rpm / speed trials run in both directions / against wind & tide
  • Satisfactory operation of forward and reverse gears
  • Emergency stop – passing from full ahead through neutral to full reverse
  • Steering response / handling – Figure of eight steering performance
  • General steering, control and gear operation
  • All engine gauge readings photographed at determined RPM – for file reference

It may well be acceptable to perform engine trials underload, whilst the vessel is moored alongside a suitable quay heading or mooring

We also perform ‘speed trials’ in the derestricted zone on the river with GPS speeds recorded

Please note we of course require the brokers / owners attendance and authority

We often have to wait around for the yard / broker to make their own launching arrangements etc in respect of boat / engine trials. As a consequence we charge a minimum fee of 2 hours.

  •  Important to note that this is not the time spent on the water testing and includes launching & transit time etc


Call us for further information and to discuss your needs.

NB:  An engine oil sample analysis is always recommended where there are concerns

Static, River or Sea trials includes the following, but not limited to…

  • Engine(s) start up procedure (smoke production) to include engine gauge readings for various rpm settings etc
  • The vessel’s steering, handling and operation
  • Engine crash / emergency stop and reversing
  • Overall engine and motor boat performance at high and low speeds


European Marine Services:  Your marine surveyors for the Norfolk Broads, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire, East Anglia & UK.
We travel Anywhere at Any time to inspect vessels of all types both leisure & commercial, GRP, wood & steel /aluminium- Ocean yachts, motor cruisers, sports boats, sailing yachts, broads cruisers, canal narrow boats, work boats, steel barges etc etc