Survey Fees

Simple Fee Pricing Structure

  • Prices are per foot LOA up to 70 ft
  • Prices are VAT inclusive
  • Prices are Travel Inclusive up to first 30 miles (office – office)   Additional miles charged at 60p per mile
  • Sports & motor boats, sailing yachts, canal narrow boats, Dutch steel barges, wood motor boats & wooden broads yachts etc.       Greater than 70 ft LOA subject to a reduced fee per ft.

Report Preparation:   Takes approximately 3-4 working days, being sent via e-mail attachment.  Regretfully we do not provide a printed / hard copy of the report.

Photos:  We take approximately 200-300 photos of every inspection, which photos are retained on file for future reference – a few being included in report as considered informative

Fee Payment:  Due upon your receipt of the e-mailed report, payment by either cheque, cash or e-bank transfer

Travel:  The first 30 miles is included (office – office) the balance being chargeable at 60p per mile.    Travel in excess of 60 miles (office-office) up to 120 miles is subject to a £60.00 excess travel / time surcharge. Travel in excess of 120 miles (office-office) is subject to a £120 excess travel / time surcharge

Important:            YDSA Surveyors’ Terms of Business  (&)  EMS Terms of Business v9   Under which all surveys & services are undertaken – Available for viewing on our website (link-Survey Fees) or please call us for a copy

Expert Witness (SJE / PAE) to CPR35  |  Expert Determination  |  ADR Dispute Resolution  |  Mediation

Register of Qualified Mediators – dated 2007 QDR # 320  | Specialist Advice

Please visit our Marine Survey Price List (Fees) for inspection costs etc or call for a Quotation / Fee Estimate or just a general chat


With our Cygnus 4 Multiple Echo Ultrasonic Gauge – European Marine Services can now measure steel / alloy plate thicknesses – whilst the vessel is afloat – Saving you both time and money and slipway / lifting costs.

Surface Scaling / Corrosion and paint coatings are ignored

Call us to discuss or for more information

Refer to Scope for full inclusive details £ per ft  £ per ft  £ per ft 
Pre Purchase  Survey *                      15 18 POA
Survey for Insurance *                        14 17 POA
Hull Inspection *                                    / Plus travel (office-office) at 60p per mile 9 11 9
Market / Insurance Valuation          / Optional – At time of  Inspection  50 50 50
Walk Through Valuation                    /  Min Fee £ 150   plus travel (office-office) at 60p per mile 7 7 7
Vessel & engine performance trials     / Min Fee £ 180 (2 hrs) when part of confirmed survey  (inland water only)  Additional hours @ £ 90 ph 180 180 180
Vessel & engine performance trials     / Stand alone – plus travel (office-office) at 60p per mile POA POA POA
Engine Oil Sample Analysis –  £ per engine  / Undertaken at time of inspection

Engine Oil Sample Analysis Only – per engine   / second engine plus £60 / plus travel at 60p per mile 







Mast & Rigging Inspections POA POA POA
RIBS, Speedboats  &  similiar  small craft  POA POA POA
BSS – Boat Safety Scheme  –  Fee per ft  

Plus BSS Certificate   







Ultrasonic –  Steel Plate Thickness Testing – Below waterline
Cygnus 4 Multiple Echo Ultrasonic Gauge   
NB: This can be undertaken in-water, no need to incur lift out fees
Please call us for more information
Project Management:                                               POA POA POA
Expert Witness:   SJE-Single Joint Expert | PAE- Party Appointed Expert                CPR 35    compliant  POA POA POA
Expert Determination                                                                                                                  POA POA POA
ADR / Dispute Resolution                                                                                                             POA POA POA
General consultancy to include | Advice | Opinions | Correspondence | Meetings etc 90 ph 90 ph 90 ph
* Minimum Survey Fee of £350.00 applies
**  Hammer (tap) testing  &  pricking at any doubtful features
Prices inclusive & subject to change without prior notice

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018 

Personal information which you provide to us may be used for business purposes including:

  • To keep electronic records of your requirements
  • To prepare marine surveys (all types) & expert witness reports for your purchase, sale or dispute
  • For insurance, legal, accounting, reporting and regulatory purposes

We may share information about you with other surveyors, insurance companies, legal bodies and other relevant businesses to help carry out our services. If you make a transaction using our services, we will keep your data for ten years after the transaction. If you do not make a transaction, we will keep your data for two years.